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Police: A 4-year-old child in Detroit was fatally mauled by a dog

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    Local News

    / CBS Detroit

    (CBS DETROIT) - Police in Detroit say they are investigating after a 4-year-old boy was killed by a dog on the city's west side.

    Police say the incident happened at about 2:56 p.m. on Wednesday in the 9300 block of Pierson Street.

    Police say the child was playing with the dog in his backyard when he was attacked. The dog came from a neighborhood behind where the boy lived.

    Authorities say two dogs were taken in by animal control. It is unclear if one or both of the dogs were involved. Detroit police confirmed that the two dogs are pit bulls.

    • Dog Attack
    • Detroit
    • Detroit Police Department


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    Author: Tony Miller MD

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    Name: Tony Miller MD

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    Introduction: My name is Tony Miller MD, I am a accomplished, clever, transparent, Open, welcoming, Determined, cherished person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.