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Cyber Monday Deals on Laptops are Still Available

Cyber Monday isn't quite over yet. Whether you’re a Mac or PC user; a gamer or a basic browser, there are plenty of ways to save hundreds of dollars on a gift device this holiday season – or an upgrade for your 2024 computing efforts.

The Best Cyber Monday Dell Laptop Deals

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Just Josh

The XPS line is Dell’s answer to Apple’s popular MacBook, featuring a thin and lightweight build, a gorgeous display, and long battery life. The XPS 13 9315 has a stunning 13.4-inch 1,920-by-1,200-pixel display with a 60Hz refresh rate and is powered by a 12th Gen Intel Core i5 processor. The all-aluminum chassis weighs less than 3 pounds, making this sleek laptop very portable. This configuration comes with a 256GB SSD and 8GB of RAM, but users who need more storage and processing power can score an XPS 13 with an Intel Core i7, a 512GB SSD, and 16GB of RAM that's also on sale now.

The Best Cyber Monday Alienware Laptop Deals

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The Deal Guy

Alienware laptops are known for their gaming chops, and the immense m18 is no exception. An RTX 4060 GPU is capable of running all of the latest and greatest titles, and the 13th Gen Intel Core CPU is quick and responsive. The AlienFX Lighting Zones are customizable (with over 16 million distinct colors possible), so your rig can look as good as it feels.

The Best Cyber Monday Lenovo Laptop Deals

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Jarrod's Laptops

For a reliable daily-use configuration, you can’t go wrong with this Lenovo Slim 7 Pro X/ A high-grade processor, a 14.5-inch 3K touch display, and measurements of 3.19 pounds in weight and 0.63-inches thin make this an excellent notebook for surfing the web, checking emails, and dealing with documents.

The Best Cyber Monday HP Laptop Deals

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Tech Picked

This HP Pavilion 15t is an adequate daily-use configuration as long as you don't have too many files saved. The Intel Core i7 CPU and 16GB of RAM are great for running programs and multitasking, though if you have a lot of files and folders you may want to have an external SSD as 256GB fills up fairly quickly.

The Best Cyber Monday Asus Laptop Deals

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Valid Consumer

This is an absolutely bargain-basement price on a productivity laptop that's great for students. It isn't a powerhouse, with just 4GB of RAM, but for ordinary web surfing, word processing, and media streaming, it will do the job just fine. Battery life is pretty solid, pushing a full work day of power on on charge. One free year of Microsoft 365 is an added bonus.

Need more information to make your choice? Check out our roundup of the best laptops and the best gaming laptops.


Article information

Author: Alicia Morrison

Last Updated: 1702302361

Views: 1133

Rating: 3.9 / 5 (74 voted)

Reviews: 94% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Alicia Morrison

Birthday: 2011-02-27

Address: 72095 Browning Fords, East Christophermouth, MI 40716

Phone: +4435389266283589

Job: Chemist

Hobby: Bird Watching, Playing Guitar, Painting, Whiskey Distilling, Rock Climbing, Amateur Radio, Soccer

Introduction: My name is Alicia Morrison, I am a spirited, audacious, vivid, skilled, receptive, accessible, persistent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.