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NFL playoff teams that were the worst to qualify

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    The NFL's best teams are obviously frequent talking points, but what about the worst ones to be granted playoff access? Here is a look at the worst teams to qualify for the postseason since the NFL expanded to five-team brackets in 1978. (Note: The 1982 strike-shortened season, which featured eight-team fields, is excluded.)

    Sam Robinson is a Kansas City, Mo.-based writer who mostly writes about the NFL. He has covered sports for nearly 10 years. Boxing, the Royals and Pandora stations featuring female rock protagonists are some of his go-tos. Occasionally interesting tweets @SRobinson25.


    Article information

    Author: James Watkins

    Last Updated: 1702320361

    Views: 1144

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    Reviews: 84% of readers found this page helpful

    Author information

    Name: James Watkins

    Birthday: 1968-04-18

    Address: 404 Stephanie Port, Katherineton, VA 49759

    Phone: +4150217157041609

    Job: Robotics Engineer

    Hobby: Billiards, Gardening, Crochet, Hiking, Stargazing, Camping, Camping

    Introduction: My name is James Watkins, I am a proficient, expert, spirited, enterprising, variegated, skilled, resolute person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.